We’ve moved to ethdaily.io!
Our daily crypto news briefing is now hosted at ethdaily.io. We’ve imported all subscribers as of May 23, 2023.
Thank you for supporting us, we’ll see you on ethdaily.io!
P.S. We also did a light refresh to our podcast cover. It now looks like this:
You can also find us on
🔗 Website - https://ethdaily.io
🎙️ Podcast - https://pod.link/eth
🪞 Mirror - https://ethdaily.mirror.xyz
🖼️ Zora - https://zora.xyz/ethdaily.eth
🎥 YouTube - https://youtube.com/@ethdaily
🌿 Lens - https://hey.xyz/u/ethdaily
🐦 X - https://x.com/ethdaily
🟪 Farcaster - https://warpcast.com/ethdaily.eth